
A microchip can provide a lifetime of permanent identification if your dog or cat gets lost.

These days, microchipping is one of the many tools that pet owners have to help keep their furry family members safe. When it comes to pets, accidents can happen no matter how careful you are about supervising them. Pets are naturally curious creatures and in just a single moment, they can get away and become lost. If they are microchipped, your chances of being reunited with them increase tremendously. Is your pet not yet microchipped? Have you recently adopted a furry friend and are unsure if they have already gone through the procedure? For these and other questions about microchipping, don’t hesitate to call our team and we will be happy to help you with your inquiries.

What does it mean if a pet is microchipped?

Basically, a microchip is a small device that contains your pet’s vital details and your own personal contact information. The microchips can be scanned to reveal the information that it contains. So, if your pet gets lost and is found by an animal rescue shelter or another veterinary hospital, they will be able to scan the microchip and have a way to notify you about your pet’s whereabouts.

Is microchipping safe for dogs and cats?

For sure! Manufacturers have designed the chip to be 100% compatible with your pet’s body. It is quite small and is similar to the size of just one grain of rice. When inserting the microchip, your pet does not even need to be put under anesthesia. The procedure is similar in sensation to getting a regular injection or vaccine shot.

Do pet microchips need to be renewed?

No. Microchips are designed to last for your pet’s entire lifetime. Once inserted, they do not need to be replaced or refurbished in any way.

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